Fri 03 Jan
😘😘🍮🍮70hh \Caramel Beauty Looking To Ease Your Mind😌😌 - 21
(28th Street Cascade Kentwood Airport, Grand Rapids)
Thu 02 Jan
Craving something sweet .....It takes a bee to get the honey out. - 21
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids 28th)
♔¤¤¤¤¤¤ ♡♥♡ Holiday ★ Treatment ♔ ★ I have the Perfect Gift for U♡♥♡ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ♔ - 24
(Grand Rapids, EXIT 43A)
Specials!! NEW ❀BLONDE KiTTEN❀* ❤.•*PLAY ▓ ▒ * ❤.•*POUNCE * ❤.• ▓ * ❤.•*MAKE Me PuRR - 27
(Grand Rapids, grandrapids airport)
💋💦 attention chubby chasers!!! 💋💦out call specials!!!!💋💦 $60- 80- 125specials - 25
(Grand Rapids, gr)
⭐️🍒 ⭐️ATTENTION🍒 HOT NeW 🍭Sweet 🍭 REadY and Eager 2 PLease💕 I MaKe N@ughty L👀k So Sw€£t 🍬 - 19
(Grand Rapids, grand rapids only incall)
»* AvAilable NoW *« » outta the ShOwER { Mmmm... Tasty Treat} - 32
(Grand Rapids and surrounding areas)