Tue 07 Jan
-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P _______ a__N__d _______ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨* - 24
(Grand Rapids)
😘💦💦New Visiting Ebony Bombshell💣🔥Hot & Ready 2 PLEASE 🔥💋Ask about my SPECIALS!!💦💦 - 22
(Grand Rapids, Near Airport)
NEW PICS VERY [✔ ] HOT [✔] FreaKiN' [✔] GIRL ~* LeT's PaRtY ~* Visiting - 20
(Grand Rapids (my place)
...✖✖✖ Young ! Fresh ✖✖✖ 💞Sexy ✖✖✖ Dream GIRL ✖✖✖ [[ Sweet & Sexy ]] ✖✖✖ ~ PLAYFUL ~ ✖✖✖ - - 22
(gr.mi, Grand Rapids)
✨ANYDAY✨ 💲💯Mercedes4u Highly reviewed 🆙scale disreet inCALL - 26
(231-343-9314/Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids)
*§ ^$60 WîlD Wednesday NIGHT specials^ Mercedes Grand Rapids airport in/outcall - 29
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
Add a lil Sparkle to your day with this petite treat! Available now! - 22
(Grand Rapids, 44th& Kalamazoo)
$$10 OFF :: _U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E_: MASSAGE: _E__X__P __E__R__I__E __N_C_E - 25
(Grand Rapids, Cascade)
Get Paid Up To $40 Per Hour As A Virtual Erotic Performer In An Online X-Rated Computer Game - 36
(Ann Arbor, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Online)
Mon 06 Jan
💋💋:: ( (♥ ♥ ✅✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) :: :: ( ( ♥ ♥ ✅✅ N O W ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) )::💋💋 - 34
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids Mi surrounding areas)
███►►►►►———❤——— WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING 4 —- ——███►►►► l —=——❤————█ - 33
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids Mi)
SEXY, Beautiful, Lovely Lady in TRAVERSE CITY, MI. Excellent Sensual Massage! - 30
(Northern Michigan, TRAVERSE CITY, MICHIGAN 231 392 5709)
I Like Men In Uniform ! 2 C Me U Must Drive American Made Car Only! - 30
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids ( across the border))
Smoking Hot, Seductive, Sexy and Sweet -- Feel the Heat with Me! - 19
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Downtown, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, In town, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Mi)
SPECIAL ! LOOK ! -*- ur Fav Lil BloNde BeauTY -*- ... TeaM BaD B!TcHeS - 22
(Grand Rapids, by the mall 28th st)
Recall Toyota, Recall Kia , Recall Mercedes! only GM, FORD or CHRYSLER ! If u Wanna see Me! - 31
(Flint, Flint ( across the border))
✨++✨✅__ ReViewed ✅_++___PLaYGirl ✨_ ✅_+_NEVER RuSHeD! ✨✅__KiNky✨FUN ++_My TIME is YOUR TiMe ✨✨✨✨__++ - 20
(Grand Rapids, Private incall leonard 131)
Available ANYTIME! In/outcall 💖 Highly Reviewed 💯% REAL+Safe👍 - 27
(231-343-9314 GRAND RAPIDS, Grand Rapids)
Alway's An Amazing Experience! & Nothing Less! Will Come to you! Not from Area! - 24
(detroit/surrounding areas)
Ashely - 24
(Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Portage, three rivers,martin,coldwater)
°§ Monday morning 2 girls 1 location. Why wait.....safe HIGHLY reviewed ^Mercedes4u^ incall 28th - 25
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
§*Mercedes S€x¥ Italian! Wednesday night specials that'll BløW your...mind!¡! *§Incall 28th or out - 28
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
Mercedes4u... Long dark hair, exotic looks&very; open minded personality! in/outcall. DONT MISS OUT!! - 27
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids/surrounding areas)
Mercedes Friday $80 Specials! incalls! 💖 💯% REAL+Safe👍 East 28th St - 27
(Grand Rapids, grand rapids 231-343-9314)
*§ Mercedes, Monday night Madness $80 specials...!! Grand Rapids and surrounding! in/outcall - 29
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
last Saturday special.50ss 80 hh 150H 200 H1/2 OUTCALLS - 21
(Detroit, metro detroit area,Southfield,Dearborn)
I Like Men In Uniform ! 2 C Me U Must Drive American Made Car Only! - 30
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids ( across the border))
Hot, fun and sexy blonde - *****NEW PICS*****-24/7. Waiting for your call! 24/7. - 35
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids and surrounding)
Hey Boys Wanna Play ( ( Thick Thighs Blonde ) ) * * CALL NOW * * - 20
(Lansing, Off W Road (in East Lansing))
Wanted: Women and/or Couples~Let Me Help Make Your Weekend Exciting**Shower Scene Special - 31
(Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, GRAND RAPIDS~IN CALL Ready, Holland, Kalamazoo, Lansing)
Why People Dont Own Cellphones With Data? Thats Why Economy Is Bad! - 31
(Lansing, Lansing (across the border))