Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
***Platinum Blonde Hottie Body Erotic Rubs You'll Desire Forever*** - 33
(Grand Rapids, Near Woodland Mall/ Kentwood Area)
Satifaction Guaranteed 7 days a week!!#616-690-9139 - 27
(1759 44th st. se Kentwood, Mi 49508, Grand Rapids)
🌿🍉 KIND & Charming 🍁🌹🌿🍉 Uplifting Body Rub 🍁🌹🌿🍉 Sweet LOVE Therapy 🌿🍉 - 34
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids/Surrounding)
Have you gotten a tune up? Your car gets one...... - 29
(Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Holland, Kalamazoo, Southwest Michigan)
Satisfaction Guaranteed 7days a week! Lexi #(616)690-9139 - 29
(Grand Rapids, ⭐1759 44 th st. Se Kentwood, MI 49508⭐)
€€€€€sEXyt Tasty swEET she will rub you in all the right places - 30
(Grand Rapids, grand rapids mi)
💋LIV~ROYAL TOUCH Complete Body Rub SPECIALS NOW & Ensured Pleasure!🍒 OPEN TO 11pm!!! - 30
(1759 44th st SE GR. 9:30am-10pm daily, Grand Rapids)
▰ ▰▰ GRAND OPENING! WASHINGTON WELLNESS SPA (586) 677-0011 ▰▰ ▰ - 30
(Detroit, 58944 Van Dyke Rd, Washington, MI 48094)
GR@D A X0T¡C D¡M ~ FUNN¥ P£@¥FU£ FT¡SH FR¡ND£¥ C0MP@NN¡0N ~ C0M £00S TR@CK 0F T¡M W¡TH M~ - 28
(Grand Rapids)
O o o Best Massage of Your Life Sexy 22 Y/O Brunette CMT O o O - 22
(Detroit, outcall only 248 312 8216)
Mature Gentleman Mae Wezst@your service 616-302-0281 - 40
(Grand Rapids, M-21...Exit 52 or 39 off I96)
Satifaction Guaranteed 7 days a week!!#616-690-9139 - 27
(1759 44th st. se Kentwood, Mi 49508, Grand Rapids)
Tired of seeing the same old girls here? We have the solution... - 24
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Incall, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upp)