Mon 27 Jan
MERCEDES & Nikki Saturday NIGHT! 💖 Highly Reviewed 💯% REAL+Safe👍 - 27
(Grand Rapids, grand rapids 231-343-9314)
(: (: LoOks GoOd ** FeELs EvEn BeTTeR :) :) MeOw HoT BlOnDiE !!!!! - 32
(Grand Rapids & Surrounding Areas)
🎰 Gorgeous Brunette ! ★Killer Curves 🌟Highly-Reviewed 🌟 Waiting 4 you👍👍👍 - 22
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids &..)
Sun 12 Jan
( . )( . ) Georgeous & Intelligent, w/ a freaky side ( . )( . ) - 21
(Grand Rapids & Surrounding area)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
♥-:¦:- ♥SPICY, AFTERNOON sPecial, COME PLAY -:¦:- ♥ special NEW PICS - 25
(Grand Rapids, airport)
Wed 08 Jan
FACE of ANGEL body of TEMPTRESS ** HOT SEXXXY SWEET JENNA ready to play now! * YouNG CuRVY HoTTIE * - 21
specials★STUNNING★ ♥sexy♥ ABSOLUTELY GeOrGeOuS CANDY♣lucky u found me♣ real deal ♥ - 26
(Grand Rapids, IN AND OUT CALL)
Tue 07 Jan
☆❤ ☆ ❤ ☆ ❤ ☆ ❤ EVERYTHING❤ You ❤ DESIRE ❤ - 23
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Dearborn / Livonia, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest M)
◇◇◇ ★ SeXy◇◇◇★ N@u*ghty◇◇◇★SuGaR ★ SWeet N SeXy Tre@t! ★ ** BiG bOoty with rain day spacials - 26
(Grand Rapids, 28th & 96 safe location)
(((((((((((((( So sweet, I'm going to put Hershey's out of business! )))))))))))))) - 21
(Grand Rapids)
****BEAUTIFULLY unique, petite, discreet. IVY is up all night - 23
(Grand Rapids, 28th st near airport)
*§ The R€Å£ Mercedes ^$80 SÚNÐÄ¥ FµNd@Y Specials^ NEW PICS!!! Grand Rapids in/outcall - 29
(Grand Rapids, 231-343-9314/Grand Rapids)
Mon 06 Jan
•-:¦:-•* So many Choices but NONE like ME • °o♥o°• - 27
(Grand Rapids, Holland, Allegan, Kalamazoo, Plainwell)
@♥♡♥Let me be your truly sweet delight!!!$100 lunch specials!!♥♡♥@ - 34
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids suburbs se)
══ ❴ N A U G H T Y } ═══✖✖✖═══ { L I T T L E } ═══✖✖✖═══ { P L A Y G I R L } ═══✖✖✖═══ ★★ - 21
(GR MI, Grand Rapids)
I can be your 'motivation. !!!!!!incall special monday only!!!! credit accepted By GRFairport - 31
(Grand Rapids)
It's not a life if you don't live it !!!! Our aspirations are our possibilities. - 21
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids 28th)
Back in town-private residence💛SEXY💛curvy PLaYMaTe :-•*💛z•☆• GOOD•☆• FEELS •☆• EVEN •☆• BETTER - 26
(Grand Rapids, grand rapids-airport)
Sun 05 Jan